Random Reflections on HB2

So I had to write a post on what happened tonight but between all the commotion on Twitter and otherwise, all I have are random thoughts for both the TX Legislature and you, dear reader:

  1.  I’ve not found it on Youtube yet, but Wendy Davis’s floor speech was absolutely amazing
  2. The guy who’s talking about all the women in his life is driving me crazy.
  3. What the Hell is this procedural thing w/ calling a new legislative day?
  4. Okay; you’ve just assaulted women’s rights.  Why are you complementing your Secretary’s prayer.  It’s just…random.
  5. GOP, stop talking about people coming together no matter what color shirt they’re waiting.  Because the ones in orange are secretly planning retaliation and those in blue are dreaming about overturning Roe.
  6. It sucks to be a woman, but at least I got RTed.
  7. Somebody needs to start a Wendy Davis for TX governor super pac, complete with a program to order free “Ready for Wendy” bumperstickers.
  8. Just another assault on civil liberties: the State Police arrest 20 at least.  And despite all their “freedom” talking points, the tea party agrees w/ them,

Great.    Did I mention that there are still two more legislative bodies I have yet write angry blog posts on?

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