Save the Unborn Now

A Guest Post by Ryan

The House passed a great pro-life bill that would save lots and lots of unborn children in this country by banning abortion after twenty weeks. After the amazing bill in Texas that will surely save thousands of babies, it is disappointing that the godless senators have not yet taken it up.

I pray every day for God to end abortion and save the unborn.  It is the second thing I pray each day, after praying for my family and before praying for gays, atheists, Jewish people, and liberals.

This was you once-save the babies!

I believe that God loves every unborn child.   He tells us in the Bible that no child should be killed in the womb.

Life begins at conception because that is when the child starts needing to eat.    He gets the food from his mother.  The child depends on the mother. I know that women are defenseless; but so are unborn children.  The unborn child’s life is more important than his mother’s wants.

God shows us that He is the giver of life and that life has sanctity.  That means it is wrong to kill anything-ever.

Especially if the government does it.  The Bible says to obey Him, not the government.  They want to take our guns so they can kill us; we have to use our guns to fight back.

I am especially disappointed that the government stands back while innocent babies are being slaughtered.   “Liberal Christians” aren’t true Christians.  They  worship the Devil and Satan, not God and his Son, Jesus Christ.  They don’t respect the sanctity of life because they’re pro-abortion.  They will all go to Hell.  Obama, Reid, and Pelosi; but especially Reid for not introducing it in the Senate.  😉 🙂

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