Top Seven Reasons why we Need to Stay out of Syria

I’m no foreign policy expert, but I have a duty; as America is on the brink of WAR.  Be sure to contact Obama regarding this issue:

  • 7: It’s religious: The war in Syria is as much religious as it is political. Shiites are fighting mostly with Assad; and the country’s Sunni majority is fighting with the Opposition.  The government should not be involved in such a display of religious affiliation; in fact it is somewhat unconstitutional.
  • 6: No one in America likes it: Only eleven percent of the public supports intervention.  Should we really be sending Americans to die  and spending all this money for a war only eleven percent of the public supports?  No.
  • It Would Further Strain our Relationship with Russia: It already has been straining our relationship with Russia, in addition to Snowden’s escape to the airport terminal.  Let’s not make Putin angry, okay?
  • 4: It’s the Sequester, Baby.  Due to the federal budget deficit, we’ve had to cut spending on lots of different programs that could have helped many Americans.  Although the war would create jobs, it would strain our coffers and drag us deeper into debt.    Obama’s not been spending much, but with a war; all of that will change.  Why should we destroy things overseas when we could be rebuilding bridges and solving other problems here at home?
  • 3: We did this ten years ago in Iraq.  Look what happened: Seriously.  The only thing that’s motivating Obama is faulty intelligence, which motivated Bush in Iraq.  Except, for reason number two, this time, it’s a lot worse.   A New York Times article said that a conflict in Syria will last us a really long time.  Do we really want to invest all this time?
  • 2: We’ll be helping Al Qaeda: Obama has been warning us about this.  However, he’s not heeding his own warning.  Prominent members of the Syrian opposition are members of Al Qaeda.  Ronald Reagan aided Al Qaeda members in the 80’s.  Look what they did to our buildings less than twenty years later.  This will be bring us full circle; maybe to another 9/11 and Afghanistan.  It will also bring us to reason 1:
  • 1: American Imperialism has failed for over a century.  Stop trying it.   They say the dumbest people are the ones who trying something again when it doesn’t work.  This has been America’s foreign policy for over a century now.  Our imperialism led to WWI, which in turn led to the Holocaust and WWII, which in turn led to the Cold War.  The Cold War led to our relationship with North Korea.  Whenever America chooses war and violence, in the end we fail miserably.   Probably the greatest thing  for American foreign policy was when JFK peacefully ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Because peace won over war then, we avoided a possible nuclear holocaust; and all the other effects of a war with the USSR.  I can’t wait for the day when this country’s leaders decide that wasting government money on “democracy” in the Middle East is the biggest waste of government money, as well as human capital, in this era.

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