We are all Slaves of Faux News

Program note: Was there a political cover up surrounding the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans? Erin Burnett anchors a CNN special investigation: “The Truth About Benghazi,” Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET.

I’m not kidding.  That’s really from CNN.  Look it up.

I received news of this coming program from a conservative I follow on Twitter.  Of course, he’s excited.  Finally, the “liberal media” is hooking onto what Faux has been all along.    Even I was worried.  I wondered if Fox was really right.

Then I remembered that CNN is not as liberal as conservatives like to think.  Like here, where they spend a minute and a half giving idiotic teabaggers free publicity:

It’s not like they spend the rest of the day giving liberal protestors free publicity.  As a matter of fact, while conservatives complain about the negative press the msm gives their politicians, it’s different for their protestors.  Neutral for the right, virtually non-existent for the left.  I’m no fan of CNN; I prefer the New York Times.

Of all the major news networks, Faux is by far the most powerful.   Benghazi and the IRS, the love-children of Faux are major stories today.  Who hasn’t heard of them, The NYT, which is not a major network, but still, stands contrast.  Did you ever heard that WalMart uses bribes in Mexico? That was a front page story.  CNN barely peeped.  And that is just one example.

CNN covers a lot of the stories Faux does, just because they cover it.  As a result, liberals feel we have to refute Faux, but we spend too much time doing it.  In the end, the only refuting Faux has to do is their “liberal bias” crap.  If the media really had a liberal bias, wouldn’t they be exposing stories like the one about WalMart, or giving publicity to climate protestors?

In the end, the rest of the media is just a slave of Faux News.

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