Before you say there’s no sexism, look here

Please sign this:

If you don’t sign petitions or click links, etc.; I beg you to make an exception for this one.  It’s a petition against this “Slap Hillary” game on the sight of The Hillary Project, an anti-Clinton super pac.

I’m not going to give you a link to the game or the Super pac and I encourage you not to seek it out for yourself, because I don’t want to be promoting tasteless sexism.  To satisfy your curiosity, I will provide a screenshot:

It’s just another one of those pointless games.  Why virtually “slap” anybody when you have a zillion better things to do?  And I hear it’s really poorly animated.

But at the same time, we have to think: why do women get all the humorous criticism from the right.  As the petition states:

Violence against women is not a joke.

It’s disgusting, it’s outrageous and–regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum–it has no place in our politics.

I’d like to point out that nobody made a “Slap John Kerry” or “Slap Al Gore” game; and rightly so. At the same time, there were no “Slap Sarah Palin” games from the left.  Normally, I don’t like to say one side is more moral than the other, but this merits an exception.  As a liberal, I treat Sarah Palin for what she is: an idiotic person who is unfit to be Vice President.

Not because she’s a woman, but because she doesn’t even know what the Vice President does.

Conservatives are a little different.  On the night of her filibuster, Wendy Davis became a hero to so many women, myself included.  But another woman, Leticia Van de Putte, asked this important question: “When must a woman raise her voice to be heard over her male colleagues?”

Indeed, the men of the Texas Legislature are a really bad bunch: Just read this Texas Observer article.    One of the most shocking aspects is this video:

You heard that right.  He made an un-funny joke about “hearing women’s voices” and acted like she didn’t know basic things about the bill they were debating.  During her filibuster, Davis was asked if she knew about Roe v. Wade.

She went to Harvard, okay?

Davis has received gender-based attacks ever since her filibuster.  Today, for instance, Faux personality Erick Erickson called Davis “An abortion Barbie.”

Seriously.  The Right hates Al Gore, but nobody calls him a “government regulation Ken Doll.”

Rush called Sandra Fluke a “slut and a prostitute.”  If she had been a man, would he have called her(him) a pimp?  Probably not.

There will not be full gender equality until we stop labeling women with negative gender stereotypes.

And as a closing, the worst game on the Hillary Project, so I’ve heard, is not the Slap Hillary game, but one that boots Barack and Hillary in a physical fight

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