New Jersey Residents, now it’s Official

The votes have been counted and the results are in.  The New Jersey senate primaries were won today. Newark mayor Cory Booker will be the Democratic candidate; and former mayor of Bogota (Don’t ask me where in New jersey that is; I’ve never heard of it) Steven Lonegan will be the GOP candidate.

For governor, the Democratic candidate is state senate majority leader Barbara Buono, who will be up against New Jersey’s worst governor, Chris Christie.

Although I’ve been throwing her name around for some time now, Barbara Buono is officially my choice to be governor of New Jersey.  I am very pleased with her progressive record.  And besides, she’s a woman-always a plus.

Barbara Buono is also the ones you should be telling your New Jersey friends about, because Christie deserves to be kicked out of the governor’s mansion, but probably isn’t going to be.  Make sure they vote for her on November 5.

On the other side of the coin, I am also endorsing Cory Booker.  I’m going to be lazy and link to his New York Times endorsement. The senate election will be on October 16.  That’s a Wednesday.

Voting is very important; and although I really want all democrats to come out and vote for both candidates, if you can only wait in line the polls once, you should vote for Buono.  She needs your vote more than Booker does.

And besides, do you really want four more years of Chris Christie?

For you viewing enjoyment:

Corey Booker for senate.

Barbara Buono for governor.

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