Not Fooled By Libertarians

A couple weeks ago, I heard an interesting NPR story on libertarians. An interesting recurring theme was how the Libertarians would win over anti-war young people: those of us who supported Obama because of Iraq and were disappointed by his intervention in Syria.

Yes, it will.  Those who are upper-middle class members, have parents to get them through college, and will probably have upper-middle class jobs as adults.  The people who benefit from inequality

But those of us who care about jobs, the environment, gun control,voting rights and inequality will not be fooled.  Libertarians are Republicans with a few sane ideas.

They aren’t totally unhypocritical like they portray themselves as.  Rand Paul may talk about the evils of government, but none of that matters when it comes down to women’s health.

Libertarians aren’t supportive of issues young people such as myself believe in, like protecting the environment.  They want to cut taxes for the rich and continue corporate welfare, allowing inequality to grow exponentially as it is doing now.

Guns are more important than safety.  An important libertarian ideal.

And leaving women out of this “freedom from government” thing is just not cool.

While we should be considering legalizing marijuana and getting rid of drones, there are liberals sounding the alarm on these issues as well.  Congressional Democrats should embrace the support of libertarians if they agree on certain issues.

But VOTING for a Libertarian?  That’s just disgusting.

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