Endorsements, Endorsements

MorserecallThere are two big elections tomorrow.  The first of these is a very silly, yet extremely serious attempt for the NRA to prove that they rule America.     It is a recall attempt at two state senators, Angela Giron and John Morse, for supporting gun control.

I know.  The next thing we know, we’ll be recalling people for voting to expand Medicaid.

If you know anybody who is a constituent of Morse or Giron, please remind them to vote “no” on the recall.  For more in-depth stuff on this issue, see my post.

The second is for mayor of New York.  We’ve heard plenty about that.  If you rely on me to tell you who to vote for, I’ll say Christine Quinn is a woman, gay, and New York Times-endorsed; and Bill de Blasio is a real progressive.

I’m not a New Yorker, so take your pick!

P.S. I’ve not forgotten about Ronald Reagan.  Currently working on Part 2.

Jesus Loves Everybody!!!

A Guest Post by Ryan

That includes you.  I know because my pastor told said it this morning.

My pastor also told me that because God loves us all, we should guard our marriages-and oppose everything but traditional marriage.  You see, if we like gay marriage than God will hate us.

My pastor also told me that we should not talk about Syria-it distracts from how Obama is killing our babies, blowing stuff up in Benghazi, and killing innocent babies.


Boy, my pastor is really, really smart!!!!!!!

“Feminism Must Die” video: one of the weakest, most irrational arguments on YouTube…..Debunked!

I came across this outrageous video.  It sits with all these videos of women complaining things like, “Feminism will Ruin your Marriage,”  “Feminism Destroys our Families,” “I CAN’T STAND TUMBLR FEMINISTS!” (Well, I’m on WordPress, not Tumblr-Get used to it!), and “Feminism Ruined my Dating Life,” (lady talks about how she had too high expectations because she wanted to be self-sufficient).

Anyway, just look at this.  It claims that women and men have equal rights.  It’s crazy:

Since I don’t make videos, I will type my response.  Sorry if you’re disappointed.

For starters, this video is extremely out of date.  I’m relatively young; but nothing in the video seems to be of much issue.  The woman in the video must have forgotten that women in this country have been voting for nearly a century.  (Or maybe she skipped that because, in some other nations, women can’t vote).    But if you look at the world a little differently, you’ll find some examples from the United States and other developed countries:

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get paid equally for equal work?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get the paid leave required to take care of your kids?

In 2013, as a woman (or a man), where can you walk into a university and find a male-to female ratio among the faculty of about 1:1?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get a leadership position as easily as a male colleague?

Some examples from the international world:

In 2013, as a woman, where can’t you drive? (Saudi Arabia-where women and families have to sit in special sections in restaurants to eat because women must remove their veils).

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get the same education as boys? (Not in most cases in the Middle East and Africa)

In 2013, as a woman, where can’t you own land? (Chile)

In 2013, as a female zygote. where can you get aborted because of the two X-chromosomes (China and India-this issue is different from reproductive rights as it is often pressured by the father of the family.  Also, most women seeking abortions aren’t interested in the sex of the fetus).

In 2013, as a woman, where do you need a man’s permission to do nearly everything? (Saudi Arabia, especially, but in the rest of the Middle East, as well).

And some universal ones:

In 2013, as a woman, where are you not subjected to unconscious discrimination?

In 2013, where can you find a country where the ratio of men to women in congress/parliament is about equal to that ratio of eligible voters?

In 2013, where can you find a place without women being raped/murdered daily by men?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you live, work, and socialize where there are men, but none who see you more as a sexual object than a human being, who call you endearments and sexually suggestive names; maybe even physically assault you, but often times you suffer in silence because of victim blaming?

This feminism must die movement often accuses feminists of limiting them, but if you say “feminism must die” you are essentially limiting more women who want their voices to be heard.  Feminists-and women- must rise up and face the tough hand we have been dealt in society because one group of people has controlled us for thousands of years.

As for the woman who complains about not finding a date, I wonder if she’s ever been called “baby” by a co-worker.

Anxiety and a Little Hope for Congress After the Break

We made it!!!  Congress went on an outrageously long vacation and THEY’RE COMING BACK TOMORROW!!

The first issue facing Congress is Syria.  This is the one I was originally was relieved was sent to Congress because I figured that Rand Paul would somehow manage to block it (one of the few times I’ve ever rooted for him).

But, alas.  BOTH my senators now support going into Syria, even the one who originally opposed it.  I think Obama will probably win in the Senate.  I’m hoping it will look a little better in the House.

When that’s over, I hoping that the House will pass a good immigration reform bill that does not involve a fence on our border.   I’m hoping we can pass a much-needed new map for the VRA.

And those are just what seem to be on the lowest of high shelves.  There are so many more things we could fix if only Congress acts.



Ronald Reagan is the New Jesus Part 1: Name Recognition

stronnieRonald Reagan is the new Jesus Christ.

Don’t believe me?  Check out the Reagan Legacy Project.  An initiative of none other than Grover Norquist, founded in 1997; while Reagan STILL ALIVE.  The original motivation was intended to put his name on Ronald Reagan National Airport, previously just National Airport in Washington.

From what they’re doing now, it seems that they’re almost as much about inspiring a conservative generation as they are about Ronald Reagan.  From reading the description on their website, they seem about mind control:

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project is committed to preserving the legacy of one of America’s greatest presidents throughout the nation and abroad.

One of the ways we work to further the legacy of Reagan is by asking the governor of every state in the nation to make a proclamation declaring February 6th, “Ronald Reagan Day.”  An average of 30 governors a year over the last few years have made such a proclamation, choosing to honor character over partisanship.

Okay..  So sure Reagan caused lots of problems, but if I passed a JFK commemoration petition to GOP governors, they might sign it.  This country likes to honor our presidents; even the ones we regret.

This is the real issue:

In addition to ensuring that every February 6th is known as “Ronald Reagan Day,” we work to encourage the naming of landmarks, buildings, roads, etc. after Ronald Wilson Reagan.  We continue compiling a list of Reagan dedications that remind American society of the life and legacy of President Reagan.  Each one of these dedications serve as a teaching moment for those who were not yet alive during his presidency or to grant those who remember him with the opportunity to reflect on his accomplishments.  Whether it be the Ronald Reagan Parkway in Indianapolis, IN or Ronald Reagan National Airport in Arlington, VA; each and every dedication will serve as a teaching moment for generations to come.  Our goal is to eventually see a statue, park, or road named after Reagan in all 3,140 counties in the United States.  The first project that RRLP worked to name after Ronald Reagan was National Airport, in 1998 renamed Ronald Reagan National Airport.

I embolded that part.  I’d like you think about that.   “Teaching moments for those who were not alive during his presidency.”    It also makes perfect sense.  If someone’s name is on a bridge or a school,  kids think he/she must have done great things.

Just look at this amazing list of the amazing accomplishments of Ronald Reagan:

  • Providing Al Qaeda and Iran with weapons
  • Cutting taxes for the rich
  • Expanding the national debt
  • Deregulating agriculture
  • Reducing the power of the EPA
  • Causing massive inequality
  • Attacking women’s health
  • Antonin Scalia is on the Supreme Court
  • As Rosalynn Carter said “He made us comfortable with our prejudices.”
  • Undoing nearly every common-sense policy Jimmy Carter put in place

That’s a long list.

After googling Lincoln legacy project,  Jefferson Legacy Project, JFK LP, Washington LP, FDR LP, MLK LP, and similar queries I am unaware of any similar projects.  This is both surprising, after all, Lincoln is commonly considered to be one of the greatest presidents of all time; and not, he doesn’t need half a zillion bridges so people will know he was so good.
I’ll be writing more about the effects this has on people: stay tuned.

Diana Nyad: The First Person, not Woman

When I was in first grade, they taught about important, famous people.  Often times they were famous for being the first African American to do x; or the first woman to do y; or the first African American woman to do z (Whoever wrote the curriculum never talked about Latinos or Asians or Native Americans or gays).

In our society, they are rightfully important people.  But they shouldn’t be.

Not because they did not do great things, but because of the prejudice that caused for them to be discriminated against.  If Mae Jemison was the first person on the moon; and Neil Armstrong was just another astronaut, we wouldn’t have to remember anybody as the first African American woman in space.   Neil Armstrong was the first white man on the man on the moon.   George Washington was the first white man to be president of this country.  But we don’t honor them for being the first white man to accomplish what they did-we honor them because they are the first person to do what they did.

Often times, women and minorities have to work harder to accomplish these things: and they deserve the attention we give them.  But I’m hoping that all this attention is fueling a day when it is as normal for a new discovery to be made by a gay, Latino woman who crossed the border illegally with her parents as a toddler as it is for a straight, male WASP.

That’s why Diana Nyad is so inspirational.  Who would expect the first person (not woman, person) to swim between Cuba and Florida without a shark cage to be a lesbian woman in her sixties?  In our society, where old, white men continue to dominate corporate boards, university faculties, and congress that is very unusual.

My great hope is that it becomes normal in my lifetime.  Considering our progress on Civil Rights, that is unlikely.

Maybe only a dream.

Why Liberals are all Evil

A Guest Post by Ryan

Liberals are evil.  I know because my pastor says so.   He says Obamacare will cause lots and lots of babies to die because of death panels and abortion.

Obamacare is worse than Syria.  Syria is a war on Christians, on Jesus our savior, on our Lord; Obamacare is a war on babies.  So it’s also a war on Jesus.

Still don’t think all liberals are evil?

Is Rape in School Ever OK?

If you said “0-30 days” you are not alone: a Montana judge named Todd Baugh agrees with you.

Also, you and  Baugh are among thousands of utterly stupid, non-compassionate extremists who turn a blind eye to rape in schools and seem to believe that a teenager committing suicide after being raped by a teacher is laughable enough to win the teacher only thirty days in prison.

I’m not calling him “judge.”  He does not deserve such a title.  He should resign.

Indeed, a teenager committing suicide after being raped is a very common incident; and it often happens after school administrations turn a blind eye.  There is no difference between rape and bullying: if tough consequences are put on for one and toughly enforced, the same should happen for the other.

I encourage you to tweet with #JusticeforCherice to express your anger, and outrage.  Or just copy/RT this person…..

But because what I really want to is make you rightfully outraged, another poll:

Although Holder and Obama are trying to wean off mandatory minimum sentences, they are often over twenty years.

So you can go to jail for 30 days for a rape that leads to suicide and 20 years for illegal drugs.

Like this post if you think that’s outrageous.


Is the Era of Isolationism in this Country over?

A quick game of Who-am-I?

I was one of the greatest presidents of the United States.  Yet I did not invade any other country during my presidency.  Instead, I focused my foreign policy on peace building and human rights.  Who am I?

I almost wish Newt Gingrich, Darrell Issa, and Grover Norquist read my blog, because I’m about to punch them all in the face.  No you stupid Reagan worshipers:

It’s Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter never dropped a bomb.  That’s only one of the great things he did as president.  Where we’d be if Jimmy Carter had won a second term keeps me up at night.  Let me tell you this-I doubt we’d be in this mess.

Jimmy Carter was our last isolationist president.  When Obama and/or the GOP Congress are letting me down, it often feels like he was the last true liberal to occupy the White House.

It often feels like isolationism is loosing momentum.  1981 was over thirty years ago.  Ever since then, this country has barely had a minute where we were not involved in some sort of overseas conflict.  Reagan secretly sold weapons to Iran while publicly supporting Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War.  His vice president flipped the position when he was president and took us into Iraq.  Although Clinton deployed troops and dropped several bombs, we never had a real war on our hands.

The W. came along and soon after that 9/11(thank-you, Ronnie) and we plunged into Afghanistan.  Then came Iraq, much like Syria now: except with a more hawkish administration.  We all know how those turned out.

None of this is like what James Monroe outlined for US Foreign Policy in the Monroe Doctrine:

The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of the liberty and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic. In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for our defense. With the movements in this hemisphere we are of necessity more immediately connected, and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial observers. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America. This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective Governments; and to the defense of our own, which has been achieved by the loss of so much blood and treasure, and matured by the wisdom of their most enlightened citizens, and under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted. We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.

Indeed, while Carter’s policy of “strict neutrality in conflict” would have seemed like a radical statement for Obama to make in his campaigns, it was in fact the blueprint US Foreign policy for almost a century.

I suppose I’m expected to use this post to endorse Rand Paul, who wants to take this country back to the isolationist level.  A Paul presidency, while being in support of American isolationism, would probably ignore women’s health, the Voting Rights Act, and a lot of other principles that are important to this country.

No.  On this issue I’m endorsing a second term for Jimmy Carter.