Is Rape in School Ever OK?

If you said “0-30 days” you are not alone: a Montana judge named Todd Baugh agrees with you.

Also, you and  Baugh are among thousands of utterly stupid, non-compassionate extremists who turn a blind eye to rape in schools and seem to believe that a teenager committing suicide after being raped by a teacher is laughable enough to win the teacher only thirty days in prison.

I’m not calling him “judge.”  He does not deserve such a title.  He should resign.

Indeed, a teenager committing suicide after being raped is a very common incident; and it often happens after school administrations turn a blind eye.  There is no difference between rape and bullying: if tough consequences are put on for one and toughly enforced, the same should happen for the other.

I encourage you to tweet with #JusticeforCherice to express your anger, and outrage.  Or just copy/RT this person…..

But because what I really want to is make you rightfully outraged, another poll:

Although Holder and Obama are trying to wean off mandatory minimum sentences, they are often over twenty years.

So you can go to jail for 30 days for a rape that leads to suicide and 20 years for illegal drugs.

Like this post if you think that’s outrageous.


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