Endorsements, Endorsements

MorserecallThere are two big elections tomorrow.  The first of these is a very silly, yet extremely serious attempt for the NRA to prove that they rule America.     It is a recall attempt at two state senators, Angela Giron and John Morse, for supporting gun control.

I know.  The next thing we know, we’ll be recalling people for voting to expand Medicaid.

If you know anybody who is a constituent of Morse or Giron, please remind them to vote “no” on the recall.  For more in-depth stuff on this issue, see my post.

The second is for mayor of New York.  We’ve heard plenty about that.  If you rely on me to tell you who to vote for, I’ll say Christine Quinn is a woman, gay, and New York Times-endorsed; and Bill de Blasio is a real progressive.

I’m not a New Yorker, so take your pick!

P.S. I’ve not forgotten about Ronald Reagan.  Currently working on Part 2.

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