The Kochs, Again

I never expected I’d be writing about the Koch brothers again so soon.   But once again, they’re up to something big and bad as ever.  Two things, actually.

First, the law the House has voted to repeal nearly forty times in the last six moths:

I know exactly why they played that melancholy music in the background.  To prevent people like me from laughing.

First, Julie, you don’t have to worry about Caleb’s health care.   Believe it or not, you will still be able to pick your own doctor.

Julie, it seems to me like you’ve been watching too much Fox News.

The Koch brothers’ organization that funded that advertisement is called Americans for Prosperity.  It should be called Americans for Making Rich People Richer.  The Kochs, who are filthy rich, are paying to try to make regular middle class repeal a bill that prevents them from being denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition.

Now, Caleb will not be denied insurance coverage because of his seizures.  And he will never have to worry about life-time caps on coverage.

Now, let’s talk minimum wages.

According to Koch, the minimum wage discourages people from starting small businesses.  Because you could hire as many people as you want if you paid them a dollar an hour.

Actually, what abolishing the minimum wage will do is encourage WalMart and McDonald’s to pay workers less so they can make more profits.  WalMart is threatening to stop building stores in DC if they raise the minimum wage.  Why?  Because big corporations can’t make the huge profits they used to if they have to pay everybody $12.50 an hour.

I think WalMart can probably pay all those people $12.50 an hour just fine.  They just don’t want to give up the profits.