Stop Chris Christie

The economy has suffered greatly, yet in normally deep blue New Jersey, Christie is leading Democratic challenger Barbara Bouno 59.9% to 28% on average.

If you would like a complete list of what Christie vetoed (and signed), click here. Highlights include:

VETO: Establishing an Animal Cruelty Offense for Confining a Gestating Sow.

VETO: Requires Availability for Early Voting for Certain Elections (more about that later).

VETO: The “New Jobs for New Jersey” Act

VETO: Establishes the Clean Car Comission

VETO: Increases the Minimum Wage

VETO: Establishes the NJ Health Benefit Exchange

VETO: Requires Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

VETO: Increases the Tax Rate on Incomes over $1 Million

That was only a selection of bills from the past year.    Notice what he vetoed: a jobs bill, which is the piece of legislation his fellow GOPers in the House of Representatives have failed to bring to the House Floor.  A minimum wage increase.    Taxes for the rich.

Courtesy of Gov. Christie, there is no same-sex marriage in New Jersey.  Thanks to Chris Christie, there is less environmental action.

And if that isn’t enough for you, consider this: New Jersey senator Frank Lautenburg died on June 3, 2013.  To fill the vacancy, Christie had three options, all of which involve an appointee to fill the vacancy until the election takes place:

  1.  Adding a special election for the senate seat to the ballot in November.
  2. Waiting until 2014, when Lautenburg was planning to retire, to hold an election.
  3. Calling a special election in October.

Christie chose the third option, saying, “I don’t think you can put a price tag on what it’s worth to have an elected person in the United States Senate.”  However, Christie’s refusal to raise taxes for millionaires has contributed to a budget deficit and it is hard to say where New Jersey will get $24 million needed to put up an election.

If Christie’s election were in 2014, it would be one thing.  But New Jersey voters will go to the polls on October 16 (a Wednesday, which could potentially confuse some people) to elect a senator and then again on November 5 to elect a governor.   It may be hard for some of the people who tend to vote for democrats: minorities for instance, to get to the polls twice, which could help the Republicans, especially since Christie seems to be trying to prove himself to GOP voters as the 2016 presidential nominee.

It should be noted that Christie vetoed the Early Voting bill mentioned earlier because a veto would save the state of New Jersey money.   Early voting would better ensure Christie’s idea of having people the people want elected to public office.   Yet he vetoed the early voting bill that could potentially hurt him politically and called the special election that could potentially help him politically.

This is not about people’s rights, this is a new form of silent disenfranchisement, a way to slowly nudge liberals away from the ballot box.  And it is New Jersey liberals who have the power to push back.

Chris Christie seems like a RINO (Republican In Name-Only).  The average RINO is a Republican non-extremist who supports people’s rights but is an economic conservative.  Christie is against equal rights for LGBT couples.  Supporting rights?  I don’t think so.

Although he supports bipartisanship and has worked with both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, you have to consider that there once was a Republican governor of a state more liberal than New Jersey.  His name was Mitt Romney and he seemed like a RINO.  But when that man ran for president, bang! He became nearly as conservative as his opponents, with a paradoxical liberal record backing him.

Chris Christie  is not a RINO.  He is a conservative in disguise.

Christie must be stopped both from being re-elected as governor and becoming president.  Only the people can do this.  We need to expose Christie’s wild side, the side of him that kills jobs and disenfranchises voters.  We need to empower New Jersey liberals, to go to the polls and kick Christie out.

To be frank, it is a shame that the media is silent on this issue, so I am starting a campaign to StopChristie.  There will be posts and a page (coming soon!) on this blog and Tweets dedicated to this issue on my part.  Please share this information and  tell any New Jersey residents you may know why they need to stop Christie and vote for Democrats in both election.   I believe that if we expose Christie, Barbara Bouno will have a chance, if not win, this November.