Yet Another Scary SCOTUS Case

One problem with the distribution of wealth in this country is that rich people and corporations can afford the best lawyers in the country while the rest of us are forced to stick with what’s left.

Like today, when the Court announced it was taking on a case that was challenging whether or not the EPA has the authority to regulate CO2 emissions from stationary sources like power plants.

Come on.  Are you serious.  97% of scientists agree that climate change is real and happening now.  That means that the percentage of scientists who deny global warming is about 1/7th of the percentage of Americans with a favorable view of the Republican Party.  (Of course that’s not exactly persuasive for Republicans who live in a cloud that more people like the Republican party).

There is good news: the Court could have gone further in their challenge but decided against it, which proves that SCOTUS is not as bad as Congress.  (Antonin Scalia/Clarence Thomas or Darrell Issa/John Boehner/Ted Cruz?)

Three things are clear:

  1. If Anthony Kennedy is truly a moderate, he’ll side with the liberals on this one.
  2. This is the perfect time for Clarence Thomas or Antonin Scalia to have a heart attack so they can be replaced with a true moderate who doesn’t believe corporations are people.
  3. We need to bring science back into politics and our court system.