Endorsements, Endorsements

MorserecallThere are two big elections tomorrow.  The first of these is a very silly, yet extremely serious attempt for the NRA to prove that they rule America.     It is a recall attempt at two state senators, Angela Giron and John Morse, for supporting gun control.

I know.  The next thing we know, we’ll be recalling people for voting to expand Medicaid.

If you know anybody who is a constituent of Morse or Giron, please remind them to vote “no” on the recall.  For more in-depth stuff on this issue, see my post.

The second is for mayor of New York.  We’ve heard plenty about that.  If you rely on me to tell you who to vote for, I’ll say Christine Quinn is a woman, gay, and New York Times-endorsed; and Bill de Blasio is a real progressive.

I’m not a New Yorker, so take your pick!

P.S. I’ve not forgotten about Ronald Reagan.  Currently working on Part 2.

Please Read: A Gun and Environment PSA

I’m Internetact12; and I wrote, sponsor, and approve this message:

Let this stand as a testimony to the unmatched political power of the National Rifle Association.  On September 10, 2013, voters in two Colorado senate districts will go to the polls in recall elections for senate president John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) and state senator Angela Giron (D-Pueblo).  The reason is not lying, bribing, or cheating on their spouses.  It is that following such tragedies as those in Newtown and Aurora, they passed more gun control.

The reason is deplorable, but the National Rifle Association gets what it wants.  That is why you can’t sue gun-makers for the injuries they cause; and why Universal Background checks, with 90% support from the public, did not make it out of the Senate for crying out loud. 

This is a show of the treatment only the NRA receives.  No other lobbying group is this influential.  If Planned Parenthood was pushing for a recall election, the right would be outraged.  When the NRA pushes for a recall election, the left turns their backs.  

As a citizen of the United States of America, I am going to put this out there.  The environment is currently the greatest threat to our nation’s well-being.  I am recommending a recall election of the following for having a zero percent record from the League of Conservation Voters in 2012 (Zero percent, okay?  I’m only going for the worst of them all.  Here are all the ratings from 2012):

  • John McCain (R-Arizona)
  • Dan Coats (R-Indiana)
  • Rand Paul (R-Kentucky)
  • Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania)
  • Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)

Outraged?  Unlike the NRA, who got away with this at the state level, 97% percent of scientists agree with ME that climate change is real and caused by humans.   Who should be making you angry?  Not me.

Thanks for your time.  I invite you to share this information.