Is Rape in School Ever OK?

If you said “0-30 days” you are not alone: a Montana judge named Todd Baugh agrees with you.

Also, you and  Baugh are among thousands of utterly stupid, non-compassionate extremists who turn a blind eye to rape in schools and seem to believe that a teenager committing suicide after being raped by a teacher is laughable enough to win the teacher only thirty days in prison.

I’m not calling him “judge.”  He does not deserve such a title.  He should resign.

Indeed, a teenager committing suicide after being raped is a very common incident; and it often happens after school administrations turn a blind eye.  There is no difference between rape and bullying: if tough consequences are put on for one and toughly enforced, the same should happen for the other.

I encourage you to tweet with #JusticeforCherice to express your anger, and outrage.  Or just copy/RT this person…..

But because what I really want to is make you rightfully outraged, another poll:

Although Holder and Obama are trying to wean off mandatory minimum sentences, they are often over twenty years.

So you can go to jail for 30 days for a rape that leads to suicide and 20 years for illegal drugs.

Like this post if you think that’s outrageous.


Tackling the Roots of Rape

I’ve recently written a couple posts (here and here) on rape culture and sexism in America.  I’m going to add to the mix a Frank Bruni NYT op-ed on this matter from last Tuesday:

Tackling the Roots of Rape

By Frank Bruni

Steubenville. The Naval Academy. Vanderbilt University. The stories of young men sexually assaulting young women seem never to stop, despite all the education we’ve had and all the progress we’ve supposedly made, and there are times when I find myself darkly wondering if there’s some ineradicable predatory streak in the male subset of our species.

Wrong, Chris Kilmartin told me. It’s not DNA we’re up against; it’s movies, manners and a set of mores, magnified in the worlds of the military and sports, that assign different roles and different worth to men and women. Fix that culture and we can keep women a whole lot safer.

I reached out to Kilmartin, a psychology professor and the author of the textbook “The Masculine Self,” after learning that the military is repeatedly reaching out to him. Right now he’s in Colorado, at the Air Force Academy, which imported him for a year to teach in the behavioral sciences department and advise the school on preventing sexual violence.

He previously worked on a Naval Academy curriculum with that aim, and helped to write a training film for the Army. At a time of heightened concern about rape and related crimes in the armed services, he’s being welcomed as someone with insights into the problem.

Its deepest roots, he said, are the cult of hyper-masculinity, which tells boys that aggression is natural and sexual conquest enviable, and a set of laws and language that cast women as inferior, pliable, even disposable.

“We start boys off at a very early age,” Kilmartin told me during a recent phone conversation. “When the worst thing we say to a boy in sports is that he throws ‘like a girl,’ we teach boys to disrespect the feminine and disrespect women. That’s the cultural undercurrent of rape.”

Boys see women objectified in popular entertainment and tossed around like rag dolls in pornography. They encounter fewer women than men in positions of leadership. They hear politicians advocate for legislation like the Virginia anti-abortion bill that would have required women who wanted to end pregnancies to submit to an invasive vaginal ultrasound.

“Before you make a reproductive choice, you are going to be required to have somebody penetrate you with an object,” he said. “That’s very paternalistic: we know what’s right. You’re not in control of your own body.”

He noted that discussions of domestic violence more often included the question of why a battered woman stayed than the question of why a battering man struck, as if the striking was to be expected. Men will be brute men, just as boys will be lusty boys.

If Kilmartin’s observations can read at times like humorless chunks of a politically correct tome, that’s not how he actually comes across. He’s loose, funny. In fact he’s got a sideline hobby as a stand-up comic. No joke.

And he’s got a trove of less wonky riffs. He mentions the University of Iowa, which for decades has painted the locker room used by opponents pink to put them “in a passive mood” with a “sissy color,” in the words of a former head football coach, Hayden Fry.

He mentions the bizarre use of the term “sex scandals” for such incidents as Tailhook decades ago and the recent accusations that Bob Filner, the mayor of San Diego, groped women around him, among other offenses. “They’re violence scandals,” he said. “If I hit you over the head with a frying pan, I don’t call that cooking.”

The armed services are a special challenge, because they’re all about aggression, summoning and cultivating Attila the Hun and then asking him to play Sir Walter Raleigh as well.

But Kilmartin said that that’s a resolvable tension, if men are conditioned to show the same self-control toward women that they do, successfully, in following myriad military regulations; if they’re encouraged to call out sexist behavior; and if, above all, commanders monitor their own conduct, never signaling that women are second-class citizens.

The integration of women into combat duties will help, bolstering women’s standing and altering a climate of inequality, Kilmartin said.

But he and the rest of us are taking on fortified traditions and calcified mind-sets, and that’s evident in the enrollment in the two classes of Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Men and Masculinity that he began teaching on Friday. Although female cadets are about 20 percent of the Air Force Academy, they’re more than half of the students who signed up for Kilmartin’s course, he said.

He said that one of them, during the very first session, recounted that someone at flight school over the summer had told her that women shouldn’t fly planes.

“Oh, so do you fly a plane with your penis?” Kilmartin asked the class.

One of the male cadets responded: “Sounds like you’re issuing a challenge, sir.”