Ronald Reagan is the New Jesus Part 1: Name Recognition

stronnieRonald Reagan is the new Jesus Christ.

Don’t believe me?  Check out the Reagan Legacy Project.  An initiative of none other than Grover Norquist, founded in 1997; while Reagan STILL ALIVE.  The original motivation was intended to put his name on Ronald Reagan National Airport, previously just National Airport in Washington.

From what they’re doing now, it seems that they’re almost as much about inspiring a conservative generation as they are about Ronald Reagan.  From reading the description on their website, they seem about mind control:

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Project is committed to preserving the legacy of one of America’s greatest presidents throughout the nation and abroad.

One of the ways we work to further the legacy of Reagan is by asking the governor of every state in the nation to make a proclamation declaring February 6th, “Ronald Reagan Day.”  An average of 30 governors a year over the last few years have made such a proclamation, choosing to honor character over partisanship.

Okay..  So sure Reagan caused lots of problems, but if I passed a JFK commemoration petition to GOP governors, they might sign it.  This country likes to honor our presidents; even the ones we regret.

This is the real issue:

In addition to ensuring that every February 6th is known as “Ronald Reagan Day,” we work to encourage the naming of landmarks, buildings, roads, etc. after Ronald Wilson Reagan.  We continue compiling a list of Reagan dedications that remind American society of the life and legacy of President Reagan.  Each one of these dedications serve as a teaching moment for those who were not yet alive during his presidency or to grant those who remember him with the opportunity to reflect on his accomplishments.  Whether it be the Ronald Reagan Parkway in Indianapolis, IN or Ronald Reagan National Airport in Arlington, VA; each and every dedication will serve as a teaching moment for generations to come.  Our goal is to eventually see a statue, park, or road named after Reagan in all 3,140 counties in the United States.  The first project that RRLP worked to name after Ronald Reagan was National Airport, in 1998 renamed Ronald Reagan National Airport.

I embolded that part.  I’d like you think about that.   “Teaching moments for those who were not alive during his presidency.”    It also makes perfect sense.  If someone’s name is on a bridge or a school,  kids think he/she must have done great things.

Just look at this amazing list of the amazing accomplishments of Ronald Reagan:

  • Providing Al Qaeda and Iran with weapons
  • Cutting taxes for the rich
  • Expanding the national debt
  • Deregulating agriculture
  • Reducing the power of the EPA
  • Causing massive inequality
  • Attacking women’s health
  • Antonin Scalia is on the Supreme Court
  • As Rosalynn Carter said “He made us comfortable with our prejudices.”
  • Undoing nearly every common-sense policy Jimmy Carter put in place

That’s a long list.

After googling Lincoln legacy project,  Jefferson Legacy Project, JFK LP, Washington LP, FDR LP, MLK LP, and similar queries I am unaware of any similar projects.  This is both surprising, after all, Lincoln is commonly considered to be one of the greatest presidents of all time; and not, he doesn’t need half a zillion bridges so people will know he was so good.
I’ll be writing more about the effects this has on people: stay tuned.