“Feminism Must Die” video: one of the weakest, most irrational arguments on YouTube…..Debunked!

I came across this outrageous video.  It sits with all these videos of women complaining things like, “Feminism will Ruin your Marriage,”  “Feminism Destroys our Families,” “I CAN’T STAND TUMBLR FEMINISTS!” (Well, I’m on WordPress, not Tumblr-Get used to it!), and “Feminism Ruined my Dating Life,” (lady talks about how she had too high expectations because she wanted to be self-sufficient).

Anyway, just look at this.  It claims that women and men have equal rights.  It’s crazy:

Since I don’t make videos, I will type my response.  Sorry if you’re disappointed.

For starters, this video is extremely out of date.  I’m relatively young; but nothing in the video seems to be of much issue.  The woman in the video must have forgotten that women in this country have been voting for nearly a century.  (Or maybe she skipped that because, in some other nations, women can’t vote).    But if you look at the world a little differently, you’ll find some examples from the United States and other developed countries:

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get paid equally for equal work?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get the paid leave required to take care of your kids?

In 2013, as a woman (or a man), where can you walk into a university and find a male-to female ratio among the faculty of about 1:1?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get a leadership position as easily as a male colleague?

Some examples from the international world:

In 2013, as a woman, where can’t you drive? (Saudi Arabia-where women and families have to sit in special sections in restaurants to eat because women must remove their veils).

In 2013, as a woman, where can you get the same education as boys? (Not in most cases in the Middle East and Africa)

In 2013, as a woman, where can’t you own land? (Chile)

In 2013, as a female zygote. where can you get aborted because of the two X-chromosomes (China and India-this issue is different from reproductive rights as it is often pressured by the father of the family.  Also, most women seeking abortions aren’t interested in the sex of the fetus).

In 2013, as a woman, where do you need a man’s permission to do nearly everything? (Saudi Arabia, especially, but in the rest of the Middle East, as well).

And some universal ones:

In 2013, as a woman, where are you not subjected to unconscious discrimination?

In 2013, where can you find a country where the ratio of men to women in congress/parliament is about equal to that ratio of eligible voters?

In 2013, where can you find a place without women being raped/murdered daily by men?

In 2013, as a woman, where can you live, work, and socialize where there are men, but none who see you more as a sexual object than a human being, who call you endearments and sexually suggestive names; maybe even physically assault you, but often times you suffer in silence because of victim blaming?

This feminism must die movement often accuses feminists of limiting them, but if you say “feminism must die” you are essentially limiting more women who want their voices to be heard.  Feminists-and women- must rise up and face the tough hand we have been dealt in society because one group of people has controlled us for thousands of years.

As for the woman who complains about not finding a date, I wonder if she’s ever been called “baby” by a co-worker.